You may call our Parish Office at 303-279-4464 to make an appointment for Reconciliation, or you may receive the sacrament every Saturday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the Holy Family Hall.

UPDATE - Father will also be hearing confessions Tuesday through Friday at 11:30 am in the Holy Family Hall. Mass does start at noon so be sure to arrive on time. Thank you.

The following instructions are to be observed:

  • Wear mask or face covering and keep social distancing of at least 6 feet between you and others.

  • Enter on upper level closest to the church.

  • Take your seat (front row to back row, from left to right) and wait for your turn.

  • Follow orange signs on the doors for “ENTER” and “EXIT.”

  • Observe orange signs on the white board for “confession behind the screen” or “face to face.”

  • Disinfect your confessional spot using the supplies provided.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation. God bless you!

Where to enter and exit
Where to sit while waiting
Choose behind the screen or face to face