Contact Us

Fill out the form below to contact the Parish Office. Please be aware that forms are viewed by the Administrative or Office Assistants, not the pastor, before being communicated to the appropriate staff member. Staff emails can be found here. Emails and contact forms are not read outside of Office hours. If you have an urgent need while the Office is closed, please call the Office and dial extension 117.

St. Joseph Catholic Parish

969 Ulysses St.
Golden, CO 80401

Phone: 303-279-4464
Facebook: @StJosephGolden

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Holy Family Chapel is currently open during Office hours.

The St. Thomas Aquinas Library is currently closed, but books can be picked-up contact-free through our Spiritual Book Exchange located near the Holy Family Chapel.

The Gift Shop is open after all weekend Masses and on Tuesdays after daily Mass.

In need of prayers?

Please fill out our prayer request form using the button below.



We have so many amazing things happening here at St. Joseph’s and the best way to get important updates from our church in a timely and convenient manner is through Flocknote. Flocknote lets you choose what information you would like to receive – via email and/or text – from our various ministries and groups.

It is our hope that this will help you meet new people, share your talents, answer life’s toughest questions, discern God's plan and purpose for your life, and grow closer to God. You can find out more about our various groups and ministries by clicking the button.

Have Some News to share?


Weekly Bulletins

Our bulletins offer a weekly snapshot of parish life here at St. Joseph. The bulletins are available currently in the box outside of the main church doors or by clicking the button below. Request for bulletin submissions can be sent to Jason (, at the latest, three weeks* prior to the Sunday of publication, although we recommend five weeks when possible to allow time for edits. While we do our best to use the images and texts provided to us, some content may be altered or edited for space, aesthetics, or copyright issues. Please note that we can only use pictures, logos, or images that you hold the copyright for and have given us permission to use. Jason is happy to assist if you have questions! Due to limited space and the purpose of our bulletin, not all submissions will be published. Thank you for your understanding.

*Bulletins for Christmas and Easter are completed in advance. Please email Jason for specific timelines for these Bulletins.

Pulpit Announcements

Pulpit announcements, to be approved by the pastor, must be received at the office by 4:00 pm on Wednesday prior to the Sunday announcement. They must pertain to activities of the parish, and announcements must be short and to the point.

Please submit pulpit announcement requests to Terri Huff.