St. Joseph Catholic Parish-- Returning to Catholicism

Returning to Catholicism

Throughout the Bible we come face to face with a God of new beginnings. God the Father uses many images to help us understand His unfailing merciful love for us. You are probably familiar with some of those images, for example the good father in the story of the prodigal son. No matter where you have been, what you have done, or how far you have strayed from God the Father, He is waiting with open arms to welcome you home. We are beyond excited to welcome you back into the Catholic community, no matter how long you’ve been away.

Depending on your personal situation, we understand you may have some questions about the practical steps you may need to take to be in full communion with us again or feel at home. We’ve put together the information below to help you feel comfortable in your journey home. If you don’t feel like the information below applies to your unique circumstance, if you have further questions, or simply would like the opportunity to talk with someone about your faith please contact the Office at 303-279-4464.

Have you had a chance to receive all of your sacraments?

The greatest gift Jesus left the church are the sacraments. There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church, all are irreplaceable in our journey of faith. All adults in the Catholic Church should have received at least four of the seven sacraments (five depending on your married state). These sacraments are: Baptism, Reconciliation/Confession, Eucharist/Holy Communion, and Confirmation. If you have yet to receive any of these sacraments, please contact the Parish Office for information on how to receive the sacraments.

I’ve received all my sacraments and I’m looking to reconnect, how should I start?

Start with taking advantage of the sacrament of reconciliation/confession. We completely understand that the thought of going to confession can be overwhelming after having been away from the Church for a period of time. We want to take this moment to explain to you (maybe for the first time) the truth behind confession. Confession on the surface can seem like it’s all about the bad things you’ve done. We want you to know that the exact opposite is true! Confession is all about God loving you. God already knows the things you’ve done. And even with that knowledge, is desperately hoping you will come home to the Church and come to confession to receive the forgiveness He is waiting to share with you. Like the good father in the story of the prodigal son, He is waiting in confession to embrace you, not condemn you.

For more information about confession, specifically made for individuals returning to the catholic church, please click here

After you’ve had the opportunity to experience God’s love and mercy in confession, we welcome you to receive communion with us weekly at Sunday Mass. Even if you are in the midst of planning to go to confession (but haven’t had a chance to go yet) we welcome you to attend Mass with us on Sundays. Once you’ve had a chance to be reconciled to God through the sacrament of confession, we will be overjoyed to share in communion with you at Mass.

I’ve gone to confession and started coming to weekly Mass, but I’d love a refresher on some of the basics about our faith.

We would also love for you to head over to our page dedicated to our Adult Faith Formation efforts here at the parish. You’ll find the most up to date information about the programs and events we are offering to aid you on your journey of faith.

More Resources

Catholics Come Home Site