St. Joseph Catholic Parish-- Jesse Tree Ornament Exchange

Jesse Tree Ornament Exchange

Please join us for this fun, faith-filled activity! While we usually meet in November to exchange ornaments, we’re planning a contact-free exchange during the pandemic. Below you find information on what a Jesse Tree is, how the Exchange works, and what the theme for each day will be. Contact Audrey at audreyg at if you have any questions.

Follow us on Facebook

We’ve shared our ornaments from 2019 on our Facebook page. Follow @StJosephGolden to see all the wonderful ornaments!

What is a Jesse Tree?

A Jesse Tree is an Advent tradition that helps us anticipate the coming of Christ through Salvation History. In Medieval Europe, churches often had stained glass “Jesse Tree” windows depicting the genealogy of Jesus from Jesse. In more modern times, Jesse Trees usually start with creation. They consist of a simple tree or branches on which to hang an ornament for each day in Advent. Each ornament depicts a person, story, or prophecy from the Old Testament that leads us to the birth of our long-awaited Messiah.

A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
— Isaiah 11:1

Noah’s Ark ornaments
Lamb ornaments
Elijah ornaments

How Does the Ornament Exchange Work?

This year, Advent has 27 days so Jesse Trees will need 27 different ornaments to have a complete set. Instead of each participant making 27 different ornaments, they will make the same ornament multiple times (1 for each participant) and bring them to the ornament exchange. For example, if you were assigned “Day 7 - The Blessing of Jacob” you would make 27 of the same ornament representing the Blessing of Jacob for each person/family participating in the exchange. Please register for the exchange using the form at the bottom of the page. Registration is open now and ornaments assignments will be sent out by November 5th. The homemade ornaments can be as elaborate or simple as you would like. Common ornament materials include felt, paper, wood (can be painted, decoupaged, etc.), craft foam, pipe cleaners, cloth, or air-dry clay, but it’s completely up to the maker! There’s no need to attach a day number to the ornament (since the length of Advent varies each year), but please include the theme for the day (for example “Creation” or “Mary”). Then, when the ornaments are collected, each participant/participating family will be able to collect a whole set of ornaments for their Jesse Tree and take home 26 new and unique ornaments! Due to the pandemic, we’re planning a contact-free ornament exchange instead of our usual get together with a drop-off say and a pick-up day.

Nativity and Light of the World ornaments
Handmade sheep ornament

For a smaller group
If we have less than 27 people/families sign-up, then we will need less ornaments for each “day” but people might need to make ornaments for multiple “days.” For example if 20 people sign-up, then 13 people would make 20 ornaments for one “day” and 7 people would make 40 ornaments for 2 “days” (20 ornaments for each “day” they are assigned). We will cancel the event if less than 10 people/families sign-up.

For a larger group
If we have more than 27 people sign-up, then we will need more sets of ornaments but people might need to split “days” with another person. The people sharing a “day” could work together or separately as they prefer. For example if 40 people sign-up, then 6 people would make 40 ornaments for one “day” and 34 people would make 20 ornaments for one “day” but they would share that “day” with a partner person.

Handmade angel ornament

What if I Don’t Have a Jesse Tree?

A Jesse Tree can easily be made with some branches in a vase or using an indoor tree (like a ficus or small evergreen). There’s lots of DIY ideas out there, but let us know if you are interested in having an easy Jesse Tree Kit available at the Ornament Exchange.

Holy Bible, Creation, and Original Sin ornaments
Abraham ornaments
Ruth, Jesse, and David ornaments

Ornaments By Day

The ornaments used on Jesse Trees can vary depending on which plan or book you follow. Some focus more on Biblical characters, others on the genealogy of Jesus, and others on a timeline of the Old Testament. We have created a plan that, hopefully, encompasses a little from each of those methods while giving a wide view of Salvation History. While we have organized the ornaments by the day they will be placed on the tree, there is no need to include this number on the ornament since the length of Advent varies year to year. Below, you will find a list of the ornament themes, organized by day, with corresponding readings and ideas for what can be used for the ornaments (feel free to come up with your own interpretation). If you participated last year, we’re changing up a bunch of the days so you won’t get too many repeated ornaments.

This is the 2021 list!

Day One - The Creation of the World
Genesis 1:1-2:4
Garden, World, Adam & Eve

Day Two - The Fall of Man
Genesis 3:1-24
Apple with Snake

Day Three - Cain & Abel
Genesis 4:1-16
Wheat & Sheep, Empty Field

Day Four - The Covenant with Noah
Full Story Genesis 6:5-9:17
Rainbow, Ark, Dove with olive branch

Day Five - The Covenant with Abram
Genesis 15:1-21
Shield, Torch, Camel & Tents

Day Six - The Testing of Abraham
Genesis 22:1-19
Ram, Bundle of wood

Day Seven - Isaac’s Sons
Genesis 25:19-34
Stew, Twins

Day Eight - Jacob’s dream
Genesis 28:10-22
Ladder, Stone & Oil

Day Nine - Joseph Sold into Slavery
Genesis 37:1-36
Tunic/Coat, Sheaves of Wheat,

Day Ten - Israel Settles in Goshen
Genesis 47:1-12
Shepherd Staff, Sheep

Day Eleven - The Birth of Moses
Exodus 1:8-2:10
River, Basket

Day Twelve - The Ten Plagues of Egypt
Exodus 7:1-11:10
Locusts, Hail, Flies, Frogs

Day Thirteen - Israelites in the Desert
Exodus 16:1-17:7
Manna, Water from Rock

Day Twelve - Deborah Judges Israel
Judges 4:1-16
Palm Tree, Sword

Day Thirteen - The Lord’s Promises to David
2 Samuel 7:8-29
House, Crown/Throne

Day Fourteen - The Wisdom of Solomon
1 Kings 3:1-28
Ark, Temple, Scales

Day Fifteen - The Divided Kingdom
1 Kings 12:1-25
Broken Crown

Day Sixteen - Vision of the Dry Bones
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Desert, Bones

Day Seventeen - Mordecai’s Dream and Its Fulfillment
Esther A:1-11, F:1-9
River, Two dragons

Day Eighteen - Refusal to Forsake God’s Law
1 Maccabees 2:1-22
Jerusalem, Torn Garments, Sack Cloth, Mountains

Day Nineteen - The True Vine
John 15:1-10; Isaiah 27:2-6
Vine, Fruit

Day Twenty - The Good Shepherd
John 10:7-18; Isaiah 40:11
Shepherd, Sheep, Staff, Gate

Day Twenty-one - The Shoot from Jesse
Isaiah 11:1-9
Shoot & Stump, Wolf & Lamb, Calf & Lion

Day Twenty-two - The Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:1-6
Throne, Key, Light, Crown

Day Twenty-three - A Voice Cries Out
Matthew 3:1-12; Isaiah 40:3-5
Leather Belt, Honey & Locusts, Scallop Shell, Dove

Day Twenty-four - An Angel Visits Mary
Luke 1:26-56; Isaiah 7:14
White Lily, Rosary, Angel

Day Twenty-five - An Angel Visits Joseph
Matthew 1:18-25
Carpenter’s Square, Hammer, Angel

Day Twenty-seven - The Birth of Jesus
Luke 2:1-20
Infant Jesus in a Manger

Interested in Participating in the Jesse Tree Ornament Exchange?

Sign-up for the 2021 Ornament Exchange here! Please provide your informations and list what day you are interested in (please list your top 3 choices). Thank you.