Got Questions?
Try Alpha!
Free Food. No Pressure. No Follow-up.
“Alpha was the best thing I ever did. It helped answer some huge questions and to find a simple empowering faith in my life.”
Everyone deserves the opportunity to have honest conversation about their beliefs and Christianity without feeling pressured or “taught." St. Joseph hosts these kinds of open/seeking conversations during Alpha. Alpha is open to anyone (really anyone!) who is open to having a conversation about Christianity or has questions about what Christianity teaches. We invite you to come try Alpha for one session. Bring a friend or family member! It’s completely free and includes dinner! If you don’t like it you won’t have to come back, no questions asked. For more specific information about what happens at an Alpha gathering or for information on how to get involved, please visit our Alpha Page here.
Our next session of Alpa begins January 25th and will meet of Wednesday nights in the Education Center from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Due to the size of our volunteer group this series, we are limiting the Alpha group to 30. Please fill-out this Google Form to let us know you are coming to the first session and if you have any food allergies. We hope to see you there!