UPDATE 3/22/2020

Due to technical difficulties, our email with the video for celebrating the Fourth Sunday of Lent went in the very early hours of Sunday, rather than Saturday night. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you did not receive an email with the video, it can also be found here: https://vimeo.com/399572245.


Hi Everyone,

We want to sincerely thank all of you for the overwhelming response to our recent video featuring Eucharistic Adoration. Seeing how many people benefitted from the experience, we want to extend our search for “God online” through the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. We will be sending out a video of Sunday Mass with Fr. Joseph each Saturday night until public Mass resumes.

These videos will be sent out through Flocknote, so please be sure that your correct email or mobile number in Flocknote is up to date. To prevent your spam filter from blocking our emails, please add mail@flocknote.com to your email contacts. If you have any issues with Flocknote, please email Audrey at audreyg@stjoegold.org.

We feel your absence here deeply and are very excited to share Mass with you online. We continue to pray for you and the world as we struggle to overcome the COVID-19 virus.

May God Bless You,

Fr. Joseph and the Parish Staff