It was a tight race, but the bedroom beat out the kitchen! Thank you to everyone who voted on Facebook yesterday.

Since we’re all stuck at home, our bedrooms are doing double-duty as sanctuaries when we need breaks from our families or roommates as well as being where we sleep. A clean, clutter-free space can help ease anxiety. Be sure to pack up any items you no longer need to donate when the stay-at home-order is lifted.

Step 1 - Strip the Bed

For a deep clean of the place where we sleep, start by stripping everything off the bed and tossing them in the laundry. Be sure to read the washing instructions on items like stuffed animals, pillows, and upholstered headboards, which might be spot clean only. While you’re doing laundry, be sure to wash your curtains as well.

How to Clean A Mattress

Step 2 - Dust from Top Down

If you have a ceiling fan in your room, remember to dust it. Try placing a pillowcase on each bad so the dust doesn’t end up on your bed. If you have bookcases in your room, give them an extra good dusting and hand wash any knickknacks that are particularly grimy. If you have blinds on your windows give them a good dusting too. Try rubber banding microfiber cloths to kitchen tongs to make dusting mgniblinds easier.

Step 3 - Clean that Glass

While you’re cleaning you windows, clean any mirrors and the glass on art work as well. To avoid streaks, try using a microfiber cloth or squeegee instead of paper towels. You can also use newspaper (but you might want to wear gloves to avoid ink transferring to your skin).

Step 4 - Finish Cleaning

Vacuum or sew and mop your floors. If you have access to a carpet cleaner, now’s the time to clean the carpet or any rugs. Lint roll your lamp shades. Wipe down your baseboards. Take a look around to see if there’s any area we missed and tackle that before moving on.

Step 5 - Sanitize

Take a moment to disinfect door knobs, lights switches, or any other place regularly touched.

Step 6 - Make Your Bed

Once everything is washed, re-make your bed. Making your bed each morning can help motivate you to be more productive (and it makes your whole room look better when you’re video-chatting).

Struggling to keep your house clean when everyone is home all day every day? Take this cleaning tip from Cynthia, “Look the other way!”

Safety: Please read all warning on cleaning products, avoid mixing cleaners, be aware of sources of electricity, and wear proper protection when needed. If you have never had your basement tested for Radon, consider booking a test this summer.