Hello St. Joseph Family,

I'm so very excited to share some good news with you! This Saturday, May 9th from 5:30-6:00 pm you will be able to receive the Holy Eucharist outside in our parking lot. But we need your help too.

First, there's a few rules and precautions we need to follow to stay safe and reflect our deep reverence for the Eucharist:

1. Please don't arrive super early and come park in the parking lot. We'll be recording Mass beforehand and promise we won't start early.
2. Please enter from Ulysses St. using the long driveway that runs next to the Golden Cemetery. All other ways into the parking lot will be for exiting only.
3. We will direct your car to a Eucharistic Minister placed around the parking lot. Please wait your turn in your car, then pull-up. Anyone who is able and desires to receive Holy Communion will then exit the vehicle. This should be the only time you exit your vehicle.
4. When receiving Holy Communion, please remove any masks or gloves you are wearing. Holy Communion will only be distributed under the species of bread and in the hand per the decree from Archbishop Aquila.
5. Once you have received, please return to your vehicle. You may pull forward and pray for a moment, before exiting the parking lot.
6. Please follow any directions given to control the flow of traffic, be aware of other cars as you leave, and courteously take turns.

Next, as we've previously shared, we have many parishioners who do not have access to online communications and we need your help to reach them. If you know a parishioner who isn't on Facebook or Flocknote, please give them a call. We want all of our Parish Family to be able to share in receiving this longed for sacrament.

Finally, we encourage you to watch the recorded Mass (sent out and posted Sunday morning) to have time for intentional prayer and reflection on the readings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday!