During this truly unprecedented time, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the long-overdue recognition of the need for justice, particularly racial equity, in our communities and nation, a truly great Catholic Expeditionary Learning education in a small school environment is needed now more than ever – educating our kids to be Doers of the Word and Not hearers only, Active Agents for Good in our world. There is so much to uncover at Wellspring Catholic Academy of St. Bernadette, and we invite you to take a look! 

We have implemented rigorous health and safety protocols to safely offer In-Person learning this school year, and to keep our class sizes small, only limited spots are still available in Preschool (Age 3) through 5th grade for this 2020-21 school year. Learn More or Enroll Now at www.GoWellspring.org, or give us a call at 303-237-0401!

#ImagineMore for your child’s education and #FindMore at Wellspring!